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Weoley Hill Tennis Club

Situated between Northfield and Selly Oak, Weoley Hill Tennis Club is a family orientated, community sports club in Birmingham. And because of it’s strong family membership, the club has a range of active adult and junior members.


With a wide range of members, Weoley Hill has tennis players of all skill levels. Therefore, a full program of events is on offer across all skill levels. Including competitions, dedicated evening groups and one off events to cater for all standards of play.


Social Play

At the heart of Weoley Hill is regular social tennis. These sessions enable members to play against each other. In addition to general mix-ins, there’s also specific weekly session for men, women and junior members.



Weoley Hill Tennis Club has an highly experienced tennis coaching team. They deliver both group and individual coaching. As a result of a few session, you will grow as a tennis player. The Club has a strong junior section with coaching available from LTA qualified coaches. Chris Coley, the Club coach, runs various junior Holiday Clubs throughout the year.


Competitive Tennis

Affiliated to the Warwickshire LTA, Weoley Hill has Men’s, Ladies’ and Mixed Doubles teams competing in local leagues. Teams compete in Birmingham Area league and Metropolitan Summer league. An Annual Club Championship takes place during the early summer, with singles and doubles events for both adults and juniors. Finals Day, one of the club’s yearly highlights occurs in mid-July.



There are several categories of membership including Family, Adult, and Student. The club places a special focus on families. Fees are affordable and pro rata membership is also available. Visitors are welcome up to 3 times, before being asked to join.


Outdoor Courts: 6

  • Floodlit: 2
  • Macadam: 4
  • Astroturf: 2

Indoor Courts: 0


    • Changing Rooms
    Weoley Castle, Birmingham, B29 4AA
    07523 430257

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